Full Roof Survey
End to End Surveying
Full roof surveys are based on access to the roof and across the roof with basic maintenance such as minor repairs, gutter cleans and fixing changes. These are always fixed cost and we carry out access assessments and provide working at height RAMS with any quote.
Our roof surveys include access reports, conditions surveys and maintenance recommendations alongside the gutter clean and repairs carried out. An experienced surveyor will report back digitally and formal reports can be reviewed live if necessary. Any specialist issues arising are dealt with through our technical support team.
All aspects of a roof design are reviewed and we can provide ‘As Built Documentation’ under CDM 2015 Regulations as a project for most buildings.
Survey Benefits
Every roof protects assets – just some assets are more vital than others.
A roof survey allows the business to target resources where they are needed on a priority basis and are used to support CAPEX for vital repairs.
The hierarchy of priority tends to be:-
- Critical but old roofs with expensive stock or equipment below
- The gutters – after all 100% on the rain is supposed to go in the gutter and if these leak you and several others are likely be very aware of it.
- Failing services – such as chimneys, vents and process extraction
- Roofs which are leaking and causing the fabric of the building to fail. This is likely to be leading to slips and falls.
- Key work areas with poor daylight – because the rooflights are so old they stop 90% of daylight coming in
- Poorly insulated buildings with staff and stock affected by cold and condensation
A good survey keeps these items to the fore and generates simpler ways to budget effectively.
Fixed Cost Budgeting
Accurate surveys will provide you with a solid foundation to budget repairs on a fixed cost basis.
Our team here at General Survey will be pleased to quote for all aspects of industrial roof maintenance including:-
- Gutter lining
- Service repairs and upgrades
- Insulation to current standards eg .18U
- Recladding
- Overcladding
- Wall cladding
- Rooflight replacement
- Non licensed asbestos management and maintenance.
All our quotations are fixed cost, safety managed to CDM2015 and scheduled to minimise disruption to your site and workflow.