Structural Roof Survey
Before Any Assessment
Prior to carrying out any major roof refurbishment we need to know that the roof is structurally sound and capable on taking the weight of any work being considered.
We have in the past carried out structural assessments for steel, asbestos clad, concrete frame, timber framed and aluminium structures to ensure the client’s building is suitable for overcladding or resheeting in a new external cladding design.
We have also had to condemn buildings for structural damage and then quote to remove them. Such is the risk of not maintaining effective repairs to a building over its lifetime.
Importance of Structural Surveys
Structural surveys are important when roof sections are highly corroded or damaged through high winds. Every building expands and contracts and this causes the parts to flex against each other. When a building is properly designed and maintained this is unlikely to be a major problem except in extreme weather.
However industrial buildings are designed with cost as a priority. Thinner, lighter materials save money. Many buildings are constructed with a 25 year design life but actually last far beyond. Any asbestos roof over 50 years of age has long since passed its design life.
Any plastisol coated steel roof has a sheet warranty of 25 years. Once the corrosion sets in either to the sheet or the fixings then the purlins below are vulnerable to rapid decay and structural failure.
Some frames are more vulnerable than others – and some are more adaptable than others.
For instance concrete framed buildings are very simple and easy to erect -but the options for adapting them are limited through the risks of drilling into the concrete and damaging the frame itself.
Timber frames will be highly susceptible to damp – so fixings failures are a massive risk to the structure and can lead to extensive areas of failure which can go unseen for many years without a proper inspection routine.
Design is Everything
We can provide a structural specialist to review projects such as:-
- Storm damage assessment on all roof types
- Frame loading rates
- Sheet failure eg on strammit board constructions
- New design loadings such as Ashgrid and Composite panel overcladding systems
- Conversions from flat to pitch and the roof loadings
- Conversion from timber/felt to plastisol coated steel sheeting
- Any extension and conversion works.
A structural survey:-
- Confirms structural condition
- Clearly identifies options for renovation and redevelopment
- Options for enhancement of the insulation, lighting and loading to the building
- Confirmation of the As Built Construction for CDM 2015 Regulations
We are delighted to offer fixed cost services for any project you may be considering.